Time Warp

AF is due any day. I forgot how crap it is waiting and wondering if she is going to show up. Takes me back to early TTC days before we knew we would even have a problem conceiving or need IVF to make our family. I hate being back in this mind set. Hate that despite promising myself I wouldn't, I am analyzing everything. So stupid. I don't even know what a natural pregnancy feels like. I only know what it's like (in early weeks) with a concoction of medications under my belt.

I still haven't made the FS appointment. I'm worried I will have to wean H as I'd need to do a medicated FET and I don't think the meds would be breast feeding friendly. I am not ready to wean. I don't think H is ready to wean. I don't know how successful we would be at giving him bottles...he hasn't had a bottle since he was a few months old and that had EBM in it.

DH wants to cycle before the end of the year. Part of me agrees and wants to do it ASAP, but weaning is holding me back. I wish there was a way around it. Another friend is looking at going back for a 2nd soon and would be doing a natural FET and her FS has said she needs to not be breast feeding. I wonder if different doctors have different opinions on this!?!

So much still to think about. But the urge for another baby is strong.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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