
I went and had a scan today. I was feeling paranoid and didn't want to wait until my ob appointment.

We saw our little blob with a flickering heart beat. I'm measuring a week behind my LMP dates but with a natural pregnancy I don't think that's really anything to worry about. So my new EDD is the 23/5/2013. I'm abut bummed about going backwards a week, but not much I can do. It also means I was getting positive tests from just past 3 and a bit amazing! It really feels like its been forever since I did those first HPTs.

So I'm 5w4d today. Feeling slightly more confident now I have seen the little blob but know that doesn't necessarily put me in the clear yet. Have to wait it out until my ob appointment which is about 3 weeks away. Hopefully the time passes quickly.

Pregnancy symptoms come and go, which does nothing for my paranoia. My sense of smell is incredible which is not so good when changing dirty nappies. I am getting up at least 3 times a night to pee now. Exhausted constantly...and no napping for me this pregnancy as DS doesn't like day naps. By the time his bed time rolls around I just want to curl up and go to sleep! My mood swings are in full swing too. I feel bad for DH as I am being a real bitch but everything he does at the moment seems to annoy the crap out of me!!!! Nothing major, just all these little things which for some reason are now getting under my skin majorly. And I am hungry all the time, but if I don't eat enough or regularly I start to feel nauseous and then I don't want to eat...but most of the time when I do eat, I eat too much and feel sick anyway. So I can't win!

Ahhhh the joys of pregnancy!


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